Hope Reflected

Encouragement and Hope from God's Word

Hope’s How-To Archive



March 2014

Hope, She Wrote: Jumpstart Your Joy

Written by , Posted in Christian Living, Hope's How-To, Published Work

Choose Joy quote by Henri Nouwen

Having a consistently positive attitude can be incredibly difficult, especially when it’s so easy to get caught up in our day-to-day circumstances. In my latest column for The Minto Express, I discuss ways to jumpstart your joy, and get on the road to a more consistent, joyful heart attitude.

The winter can be a difficult time, with the shorter days, grey skies, and cold weather. (Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing, people!) I don’t think I’m alone when I say that there are definitely days when hibernation seems like it would’ve been a good idea.

So what can you do to jumpstart your joy? The great thing about joy is that it’s a constant, and a deliberate choice you get to make each day: Joy is not dependent on your present circumstances or your mood, because true joy comes from within. Joy is something that starts with your heart attitude.

You might think that jumpstarting your joy could be the happiness you experience when you buy a new pair of boots, or that feeling you get when you score some cute clothes at an incredible half-off sale at your favourite store, but here’s something many don’t often think of: Joy and happiness are two entirely different things.

Happiness by definition is a state of well-being or a pleasurable or satisfying experience. Joy (which comes from the word “rejoice”) is to be glad and content. Happiness is always the result of a circumstance or something happening around you, whereas joy is the consistent, content heart attitude that is unaffected by your surrounding circumstances or happenings.

For example, if you have a really bad day at work, or you get a mustard stain on your favourite white skinny jeans (hey, it happens), or you receive disappointing news – you wouldn’t be happy, right? But, throughout these circumstances, you can still choose joy. It doesn’t mean that you walk around with a dopey smile on your face all the time, it just means that you have perspective, and that your source of contentment comes from inside, not from outside.

Some simple ways to jumpstart your joy:

  • make a list of the things that you’re thankful for in life
  •  forgive someone who’s wronged you
  • volunteer with an organization that helps others
  • provide for another’s need
  • listen to a friend
  • pray

Do you see a theme with jumpstarting your joy? One of the key components of joy is putting others first. When I was younger, there was this song we used to sing in Sunday School, called, “JOY” and it was an acronym for “Jesus first, Others second, Yourself third” And that’s totally true. When you stop looking in, and you start looking up and out (by putting others first), the results are powerful and can have major impact on your life.

There’s a quote by the writer Henri J.M. Nouwen that gives some pretty sound advice: “Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” Choose joy!

Robertson, Hope. “Jumpstart Your Joy.” Minto Express 26 February 2014: 5. Print.



February 2014

Hope, She Wrote: Attitude of Gratitude

Written by , Posted in Christian Living, Hope's How-To, Published Work

G.K. Chesterton on gratitude.

Have you ever gone out in the middle of the winter and opted to wear only one glove? Didn’t think so. It just wouldn’t make sense.

Have you ever seen a bird with only one wing? Makes it pretty difficult to fly, right?

It’s the same thing with gratitude and thanksgiving. You really can’t have one without the other. Whenever you possess the quality of gratitude and experience the feeling it brings, it’s a natural inclination to express this by giving thanks and showing appreciation.

I’m not sure why people tend to wait until the holiday season to express their gratitude through thanksgiving. Maybe it’s the warmth that comes along with a fire or the smell of baking in the oven that inspires people to come closer together and be more open with what’s on their hearts. I’d like to suggest that we shouldn’t wait until the holidays to possess an attitude of gratitude. Having an attitude of gratitude is something we can practice on a daily basis throughout the entire year.

G.K. Chesterton once said “when it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.” Now that’s a statement that causes conviction. So often I find myself getting caught up complaining about things or circumstances that others might actually consider a blessing. Think of what a better place our world would be if we all made a conscious effort to act with thanksgiving and demonstrate our gratitude.

Expressing gratitude through acts of thanksgiving need not be complex, difficult, or expensive. There are several simple ways we can demonstrate our gratitude to others.

  • Write a handwritten note of thanks – National Hand-Writing Day is celebrated annually on January 23, but why wait until next year to write a quick note? Write a simple note of thanks to someone who’s made a difference in your life, or someone who recently helped you out. Even if it’s just one specific sentence of something they did that made a difference to you, the sentiment comes from your heart, and that will make someone’s day brighter.
  • Do something thoughtful – whether it’s making lunch for a friend, buying a coffee for the person behind you in the drive-thru lineup, or surprising someone with a few flowers, sincere acts of thoughtfulness can have a lasting impact.
  • Listen – This is a big one. Ever found yourself formulating your next sentence while you’re in conversation? Yeah, try not doing that for once and truly absorbing what your friend or family member has to say. You might be surprised at the significance of your sincerity.
  • Smile – Seriously, people. It costs nothing, and it makes complete sense – smiling is so much easier than stink-face.

I’ll close with this thought from John Fitzgerald Kennedy (aka the 35th President of the Unite States of America, known to his friends and family as “Jack”): “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” It’s as much a challenge for me writing this, as it is for you reading.

Robertson, Hope. “Attitude of Gratitude.” Minto Express 29 January 2014: 5. Print.